Recycled Wood Cleanup System
Recycled Wood Cleanup System
To design a wood clean up system for recycled pre-shredded wood. The wood has moisture content of 25% and has been shredded to between 0 and 35mm.
The plant was designed and installed by KMH who also manufactured the conveyors and support structures.
Tonnes per Hour
Scope of Services Supplied:
All equipment supplied by KMH to site. Installation carried out by KMH. An inclined conveyor conveys to a feeder which distributes the wood into the air separation and filter system. The wood is then delivered to ECS via an inclined belt and metal is removed.
Technology includes:
• KMH Conveyors
• db technologies air separation system
• Wagner Magnete non-ferrous separator

Unique Innovations Relating to the Project:
Separation of Light material and Aluminium from Wood Waste in an existing waste wood stream.

Start Your Project
KMH Systems Ltd,
Industrial Estate,
R95 D237,
call us
Irish Office
00 353 56 770 8844
UK Office
0044 203 355 1591