Orex Press – MSW / Food Waste Separation

The Orex Press (Formally VM Press) provides a means of separating the wet organic fraction and the dry fraction, from waste such as MSW, BMW, brown bin, packaged or loose food waste and green waste. The waste enters a perforated extrusion chamber where it is subjected to a very high pressure. The high pressure within the perforated chamber separates the organic fraction from the structural material (paper, cardboard, plastics, rubber, etc.) by changing the organics into a fluid plasma and forcing it through the perforations leaving the structural dry material in the chamber.

The organic fraction can undergo further cleaning if required, using db technologies’ dynamic cyclone, to remove any remaining contaminates such as small stones, plastic and grit. The organic fraction can enter the anaerobic digestion process to generate biogas. The dry fraction or structural material can also undergo additional sorting leaving RDF/SRF and recyclables.

VM Press

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